Game Packages
Game Footage shot with one or multiple camera angles
A video camera on a tripod
Elevated (up to 16 feet) video camera – to get a birds-eye view
Game footage is an effective way to enhance the coaching lessons to your team and provide a better way to identify areas for improvement.
Videotaping will be according to your objectives and preferred camera angles.
We will provide you will a digital file of the unedited footage.
Game Packages
Season Long
Season coverage
Contact for pricing *
Full-length coverage – no editing
On-Line line link available 72 hours after the conclusion of individual events
*Location may affect pricing
Single-game – ($125)**
Full-length coverage- no editing
On-Line link available 72 hours after the conclusion of the event
**Location may EFFECT pricing
Add-ons ***
Season highlight package
***Contact us for pricing